Wednesday 12th December 2019
- 09:30 Circular Patterns in Complex Industries: The Example of the Steel Supply Chain – Dr. Nick Coleman, TATA Steel, UK
- 11:30 Circular Economy barriers and practices in the EU and worldwide. Expected benefits and achievements – Dr Ken Webster, University of Exeter Business School, UK and Ellen MacArthur Foundation Associate
- 14:00 Introduction to Systems Thinking – Prof. Francesco Gonella, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy
- 16:00 Systems Thinking applied. Discussion and case studies – Prof. Francesco Gonella, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Thursday 12th December 2019
- 09:30 The Role of Cities in Circular Economy – Dr Ken Webster, University of Exeter Business School, UK and Ellen MacArthur Foundation Associate
- 11:30 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment. Definitions, Goal and Scope, International Standards, Procedures – Dr. Antonino Marvuglia, LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and
- Technology, Luxemburg
- 14:00 Life Cycle Assessment: OpenSource and Commercial Software and Databases. A Lab session – Dr. Gabriella Fiorentino and Dr. Amalia Zucaro, ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
- 15:30 Introduction to Emergy Accounting. Definitions and Performance Indicators. Prof. Sergio Ulgiati, Parthenope University, Naples, Italy
- 16.30 The Circular Economy policy-making (needed investments, regulations and planning)
- A round-table with Prof. Anthony Chiu, De La Salle University, Philippines, Dr
- Ken Webster, University of Exeter Business School and Ellen MacArthur Foundation Associate, Prof Renato Passaro and Prof Roberto Cerchione, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy
Friday 13th December 2019
- 09:30 EMA and circular economy. The memory algebra – Prof. Sergio Ulgiati, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy
- 11:30 Hands-on Exercises on LCA and EMA – Led by Dr. Gabriella Fiorentino and Dr. Amalia Zucaro, ENEA, Italy
- 14:00 Input-Output LCA – Dr. Adolf Acquaye, University of Kent, UK
- 16:00 An LCA/Emergy software: SCALEM – Dr. Antonino Marvuglia, LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxemburg
Saturday 14th December 2019
- 09:30 Circular strategies and development – Prof. Antony Chiu, De La Salle University, Philippines
- 10.30 Hands-on Exercises on IO-LCA – Led by Dr. Adolf Acquaye, University of Kent, UK
- 12:00 Consumption-Based Economics – Prof. Antony Chiu, De La Salle University, Philippines
- 13:30 Closure – Prof. Sergio Ulgiati, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy