Dancing the Supply Chain: towards Transformative Supply Chain Management, with Dr Andreas Wieland
“Most of the theories that have dominated supply chain management (SCM) take a reductionist and static view on the supply chain and its management, promoting a global hunt for cheap labor and resources. As a result, supply chains tend to be operated without much concern for their broader contextual environment. This perspective overlooks that supply chains have become both vulnerable and harmful systems. Recent and ongoing crises have emphasized that the structures and processes of supply chains are fluid and interwoven with political‐economic and planetary phenomena. Building on panarchy theory, this article reinterprets the supply chain as a social–ecological system and leaves behind a modernist view of SCM, replacing it with a more contemporary vision of “dancing the supply chain.”
Dr Andreas Wieland is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Risk Management at the Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School. He joined CBS in 2014. Prior to this, Andreas worked at the Technical University of Berlin. Since 2019, he is the Study Coordinator for CBS’s HD SCM program. Andreas studies phenomena related to the resilience of global supply chains, hereby taking into account the conflict between linear business models and planetary boundaries (e.g. climate change). His articles have appeared in journals such as International Journal of Logistics Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and Journal of Supply Chain Management. He is the European Co-Editor of the Journal of Business Logistics and Co-Chair of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ (CSCMP) European Research Seminar. He is a Senior Associate Editor of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications. He is also the editor of the blog scmresearch.org.
Recording available on the ReTraCE ITN YouTube channel and slides HERE.
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