Revisiting the Economic Calculation Debate – Seminar with Fikret Adaman and Pat Devine
In this talk, based on a recent paper from Fikret Adaman and Pat Devine, a critical review of discussions of an eco-socialist society and its economic organization through a revision of the“economic calculation debate” will be offered. Adaman and Devine underline the importance of repoliticizing the economic sphere to reembed the economy in society rather than society being subordinated to the economy.
To that aim, they emphasize the gravity of (1) planning our future, (2) coordinating our decisions before we embark on any action, (3) relying on knowledge in different forms and formats as articulated at both the individual and societal level, and (4) generating real democracy via participatory and deliberative mechanisms.
Adaman and Devine critically assess progressive responses to current economic, ecological, and health crises and, because local and macro initiatives are equally important and feed one another positively, advocate for adopting a multi-scale approach.
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