Conference Papers
Arsova, S. (2019). Regional development and governance for the transition to the Circular Economy. Sheffield University Management School – 3rd Annual Doctoral Conference. Sheffield,
18th September 2019.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P., Solomon, A. (2019) Circular Economy in the regional context: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. 8th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production. Sanya, Hainan, China, 13th-15th November 2019.
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). Circular Economy Indicators for Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review. 8th International Workshop – Advances in Cleaner Production, Sanya (China).
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). The Implementation of Circular Economy practices in European Multi-National Enterprises: a Preliminary Review. Twenty-first International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck (Austria)
Coleman, N., et al. (2019) Life Cycle Tools for Assessing the Sustainability of Steel Products: from early stages of development through to commercialisation, LCM2019, Poznan.
Georgantzis Garcia, D. (2019) The role of consumer preferences and attitudes in the transition towards a circular economy. Sheffield University Management School – 3rd Annual Doctoral
Conference. Sheffield, 18th September 2019.
MahmoumGonbadi, A., Calzolari, T., Genovese, A. (2019) Circular Economy practices adoption in the White Goods Industry in Europe:Review of the State-of-the-practice. International Conference on Resource Sustainability, University College Dublin, Ireland
MahmoumGonbadi, A., Genovese, A., Sgalambro, A. (2019). A Review of the Penetration of Sustainability Criteria in Closed-Loop Supply Chain. 8th International Workshop – Advances in Cleaner Production, Sanya (China).
MahmoumGonbadi, A., Genovese, A., Sgalambro, A. (2019). Network Design Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains: a Literature Review and a Research Agenda. Twenty-first International. Twenty-first International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck (Austria)
Ncube, A., Panfilo, C., Fiorentino, G., De Falco, M., Ulgiati, S. (2020). Circular economy paths in the olive oil industry: A Life Cycle Assessment look into environmental performance and benefits. 9th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production, May, 26th
Ncube, A., Fiorentino, G., Ulgiati, S., Cocker, J. (2020) Examining the efficiency and sustainability of a biogas plant using lca and an emergy-based analysis in Canada. 8th International symposium on energy from biomass and waste, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista , 16-19 November 2020, Venice, Italy.
Oliveira, M., Santagata, R., Fiorentino, G., Zucaro, A., Ulgiati, S. (2020). Integrated LCA/EMA sequential evaluation: opportunities and challenges. SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, May, 3-7, 2020, Dublin, Ireland.
Other Outputs
Ghisellini, P., Oliveira, M., Santagata, R., Ulgiati, S. (2019). Dossier on the environmental and economic value of investment projects on urban forests and green infrastructures. 10.13140/RG.