
Del Title Description
D1.1 DSF Initial report Initial report about the decision support framework aimed at measuring the circularity quotient of supply chains
D1.2 Circular Supply Chains and related risk management practices Report about Circular Supply Chains and related risk management practices.
D1.3 Circular Supply Chains and leadership practices Report about Circular Supply Chains and related leadership and relationship management practices.
D1.4 Risk and Relationship Management for Circular Supply Chains Report on Risk and Relationship Management practices for Circular Supply Chains.
D1.5 DSF Implementation Implementation of the decision support framework aimed at measuring the circularity quotient of supply chains.
D1.6 Mathematical modelling toolkit Mathematical modelling toolkit for solving decision-making problems for the establishment of circular supply chains
D2.1 Integrated environmental assessment tool – Beta version Integrated assessment tool for environmental profiles of production systems. Report and tool beta version.
D2.2 Environmental benefits from CE implementation at a micro level Environmental benefits from CE implementation at a micro level. Report on selected case studies.
D2.3 Environmental benefits from CE implementation at a meso level Environmental benefits from CE implementation at a meso level. Report on selected case studies.
D2.4 Methodology for materials streams identification Methodology for materials streams identification
D2.5 Final version of the integrated assessment tool Final version of the integrated assessment tool for circular/linear production systems.
D3.1 Structural framework for the Circular Economy Stakeholder Engagement Research Structural framework for the Circular Economy Stakeholder Engagement Research
D3.2 Review of critical factors, assumptions and constraints in CE implementation Review of critical factors, assumptions and constraints in CE implementation (with focus on specific contexts).
D3.3 Models and Methods for assessing CE economic efficiency Models and Methods for assessing CE economic efficiency. Research Report.
D3.4 Case-study applications of models for assessing economic efficiency Case-study applications of models for assessing economic efficiency.
D3.5 Evaluation of requirements for economic efficiency of CE under future growth scenarios Evaluation of requirements for economic efficiency of CE under future growth scenarios.
D4.1 Best practices for CE implementation at a regional level State of the art report with the current status and best practices of top-down and bottom-up policies for innovative Circular Economy implementation for resilient regions
D4.2 Maps of stakeholders and interactions for designing policies for CE implementation Maps of stakeholders and interactions for designing policies for CE implementation
D4.3 Regional CE Implementation Metrics State-of-the-art report with metrics and indicators to measure the impact of CE in regional development (from both a bottom-up and top-down perspective)
D4.4 Drivers and barriers to CE implementation in regional contexts Identification of drivers and barriers to the implementation of regional policies for the transition towards a Circular Economy. Research Report
D4.5 Consumer perception and services opportunities Consumer perception and services opportunities. Research report.
D4.6 Business models for CE Business models for CE. Research Report.
D5.1 First version of the CDPs for ESRs First version of the CDPs for ESRs (to be then periodically revised)
D5.2 First version of TNA for all ESRs First version of TNA for all ESRs (to be then periodically revised)
D5.3 Appointment of mentors for all 15 ESRs Appointment of mentors for all 15 ESRs
D5.4 Organisation of 3 network-wide workshops Organisation of 3 network-wide workshops (on complementary skills)
D5.5 Organisation of 8 network meetings Organisation of 8 network meetings (including 4 Network Schools and a final conference)
D5.6 Doctoral degrees award Doctoral degrees award
D5.7 Proposal for a trans-national MSc in Circular Economy Proposal for a trans-national MSc in Circular Economy
D6.1 Advertisement of ESR positions Advertisement of ESR positions
D6.2 Network website launch Network website launch
D6.3 Consortium Agreement Consortium Agreement
D6.4 Appointment of Supervisory Board Appointment of Supervisory Board
D6.5 Data Management Plan Data Management Plan
D6.6 Report on ESRs recruitment Report on ESRs recruitment
D6.7 Progress Report Progress Report
D6.8 Minutes/programmes of all network meetings Minutes/programmes of all network meetings
D6.9 Minutes of all management meetings Minutes of all management meetings
D6.10 Delivery of 540 person-months of ESR training Delivery of 540 person-months of ESR training
D7.1 Newsletter distribution Newsletter distribution (every 6 months)
D7.2 Participation to international conferences Participation to international conferences
D7.3 Outreach activities Outreach activities
D7.4 Submission of papers to leading international journals Submission of papers to leading international journals
D7.5 Design and dissemination of outreach materials Design and dissemination of outreach materials
D7.6 Participation in public outreach events Participation in public outreach events
D7.7 Potential inputs for policy feedback Potential inputs for policy feedback
D8.1 H – Requirement No. 1 In case personal data are transferred from/to a non-EU country or international organisation, confirmation that this complies with national and EU legislation, together with the necessary authorisations, must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement).
2.1. The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants must be clarified in the grant agreement before signature and/or submitted as a deliverable.
2.2. The informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans must be included in the grant agreement before signature and/or submitted as a deliverable.
2.3 Templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement).
2.9 Copies of opinions/approvals by ethics committees and/or competent authorities for the research with humans must be kept on file.
D8.2 POPD – Requirement No. 3 4.2. The host institution must confirm that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the contact details of the DPO are made available to all data subjects involved in the research. For host institutions not required to appoint a DPO under the GDPR a detailed data protection policy for the project must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement).

4.5. In case personal data are transferred from/to a non-EU country or international organisation, confirmation that this complies with national and EU legislation, together with the necessary authorisations, must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement).

N. Title WP Lead Due Date Means of Verification
M3.1 Arrangement of a multi-stakeholder Delphi-based focus group; establishment of a structural framework for definition in order to assess economic efficiency within the CE. 3 UniKent 9 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about stakeholder engagement
M1.1 Establishment of an expert group for investigating risk and relationship management practices in circular supply chains 1 UniKassel 9 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about stakeholder engagement
M4.1 Development and release of a survey about consumers’ attitude towards the CE. 4 SEERC 10 Survey to be validated by Training and Advisory Boards
M3.2 Identification of critical factors, assumptions and constraints in determining economic efficiency of the CE. 3 UniKent 12 Short report (in the form of a literature review to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about economic efficiency of the CE.
M4.2 Stakeholders identification and implementation of focus groups and expert interviews about regional development policy for CE. 4 SEERC 12 Short report (in the form of a literature review to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about economic efficiency of the CE.
M1.2 Beta-version of the decision support tool to measure the circularity quotient of supply chains 1 USFD 15 Short report (to be submitted to raining and Advisory Boards); a User Group will also test the developed tool
M1.3 Development and launch of questionnaire surveys for investigating (on a large-scale) risk, leadership and relationship management issues and their relationship to circularity of supply chains 1 UniKassel 18 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards); a User Group will also pilot the developed survey
M2.1 Methodological design and integration of environmental assessment tools 2 UPN 18 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) on integration of methods; a User Group will also test the developed assessment tools
M3.3 Development of models for the evaluation of  economic efficiency in the CE. 3 UniKent 18 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) on integration of methods; a User Group will also test the developed assessment tools
M4.3 Release of a state-of-the-art review of indicators and metrics for CE. implementation at a regional level 4 SEERC 18 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about metrics for CE at a regional level
M4.4 Development/adaptation of a stakeholders’ framework for the purpose of CE promotion at a regional level 4 SEERC 20 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards)
M1.4 Development of a set of mathematical models for solving decision-making problems related to the establishment of circular supply chains 1 USFD 24 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) on integration of methods; a User Group will also test the developed models and their relevance to practice
M2.2 Preliminary results of case studies and assessment of the suitability of the methods used. 2 UPN 26 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about the suitability of integrated methods to the selected case studies
M3.4 Assessment of the application of the models for the evaluation of economic efficiency to relevant case studies. 3 UniKent 26 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards and subsequently presented to the Industry Workshop) about economic efficiency of the CE.
M3.5 Validation of relevant findings on the evaluation of CE economic efficiency requirements in the European Context. Findings disseminated to key stakeholders 3 UniKent 40 Short report (to be submitted to Training and Advisory Boards) about economic efficiency of the CE.