Esco Italia is the leading Italian Energy Service Company on the national scene, founded in 2002 for the purpose of intervening and regulating energy consumption through energy efficiency.
It is also the first Esco company at a national level to have voluntarily obtained the UNI CEI 11352 certification relating to the requirements that companies supplying energy services must possess.
The company is part of many EU projects aiming at spreading Energy Efficiency knowledge and implementation within the Italian territory as well as abroad.
Claudio Ferrari, CEO of Esco Italia, already a reference figure on a national level in this sector, is a member of the Italian “Energy” Board of Horizon 2020.
Ilaria Tortorella is part of Esco Italia’s engineers’ team. Master degree in engineering and dissertation in energy efficient buildings’ design, she is an expert in energy auditing for both the residential and the industrial sectors, specialized in the tertiary sector’s energy sustainability. She actively cooperates with the commercial office and she is Esco Italia’s safety and security manager and responsible of the company’s environmental certification implementation.