Kevin is an ESR working at Olympia Electronics in Greece while being enrolled as a PhD with the Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope in Italy. Before his PhD he first did a Bachelor’s in International Business Administration in the Netherlands and Greece, followed by a master’s in Innovation Management with the Universities of Trento and Sant’Anna. He wrote his master thesis on open innovation initiatives by the Dutch government. Working as a consultant in the Philippines, he developed an interest in saving the environment and started pursuing a career in this field, culminating in taking this ESR position.
As Early Stage Researcher Kevin will devote his time to material streams identification and evaluation. Researching this with the aid of Olympia Electronics he will try to:
-Develop methodologies for material streams identification and evaluation.
-Identify regulatory, organisational and technical solution that are capable to remove barriers and promote increased circularity.
-Identify and evaluate circular patterns.
-Identify and evaluate the potential of establishing Eco Industrial Parks
His research will have a specific focus on the electric and electronic equipment industry in particular.
Journal Papers
Sven Kevin van Langen; Renato Passaro. The Dutch Green Deals Policy and Its Applicability to Circular Economy Policies. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11683. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su132111683
Dimitris Georgantzis Garcia; Sven Kevin van Langen. Urban Mining of e-Waste and the Role of Consumers. Current Topics in Recycling [Working Title] 2021, 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.100363
Sven Kevin van Langen; Chiara Vassillo; Patrizia Ghisellini; Daniela Restaino; Renato Passaro; Sergio Ulgiati. Promoting circular economy transition: A study about perceptions and awareness by different stakeholders groups. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 316, 128166. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128166
Mariana Oliveira; Mécia Miguel; Sven Kevin van Langen; Amos Ncube; Amalia Zucaro; Gabriella Fiorentino; Renato Passaro; Remo Santagata; Nick Coleman; Benjamin H. Lowe; Sergio Ulgiati; Andrea Genovese. Circular Economy and the Transition to a Sustainable Society: Integrated Assessment Methods for a New Paradigm. Circular Economy and Sustainability 2021, 1 -15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43615-021-00019-y
Nick Coleman, Gabriela Fiorentino, Andrea Genovese, Ben Lowe, Meěcia Miguel, Amos Ncube, Mariana Oliveira, Renato Passaro, Remo Santagata, Sergio Ulgiati, Sven Kevin van Langen, Amalia Zucaro. Integrated Assessment of Sustainability Profiles in Circular Production Systems. A Framework towards a comprehensive understanding. ReTraCE 2020, Deliverable 2.1. DOI: https://www.retrace-itn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ReTraCE-D2.1.pdf
Ncube, A., Miguel, M., Oliveira, M., Van Langen, S.K., Ulgiati, S., and Genovese, A. Environmental implications of Circular Economy implementation. A selection of micro level case studies. ReTraCE 2021, Deliverable 2.2.
DOI: https://www.retrace-itn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ReTraCE-D2.2.pdf
Van Langen, S.K., Oliveira, M., Ncube, A., Ulgiati, S. Environmental, economic, and social implications of Circular Economy implementation at the meso and macro level, a selection of case studies. ReTraCE 2021, Deliverable 2.3.
DOI: https://www.retrace-itn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ReTraCE-D2.3.pdf
Van Langen, S.K.; Passaro, R.; Ulgiati, S. Methods and Indicators for Material Stream Identification. ReTraCE 2021, Deliverable 2.4. DOI: https://www.retrace-itn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ReTraCE_D2.4.pdf