Leandro is currently an ESR Fellow at the International Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus University and a PhD candidate at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). He studied economy at the University of Buenos Aires. In Argentina, he worked for several years at the Observatory of Employment and Business Dynamics (OEDE) of the Ministry of Labor. He also taught international economics at the Catholic University (UCA) and the University of Palermo (Buenos Aires). After being awarded a scholarship, he moved to his grandparent’s homeland (Galicia, Spain) to pursue a MSc in economic development and innovation at the USC, where he became a member of the ICEDE Research Group.
Leandro’s research focuses on the global ecological and socio-economic implications of the European circular economy strategy. So far, he has inquired into the impact of CE on employment at the EU level. He has also engaged in the analysis of the European metrics on CE, focusing on their ability to capture the factors that most directly contribute to absolute decoupling and reduction of global negative impacts. He is currently performing an empirical analysis of the European international trade flows of secondary raw materials, supported by a conceptual search for the most appropriate theoretical framework to measure value in a CE. Hopefully, this research will contribute to identifying and remedying potential sources of inequity in the global distribution of the social and ecological benefits of a the transition towards a CE.
Journal Papers
Breard, G., Llorente-González, L. J. (2021): “Eco-innovation in Argentine industrial firms (2014-2016): A characterization from the perspective of circular economy transition strategies”, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 2021/0 [pre-published]. https://www.cairn.info/revue-journal-of-innovation-economics-2021-0-page-If.htm
Llorente-González, L. J., Vence, X. (2020): “How labour-intensive is the circular economy? A policy-orientated structural analysis of the repair, reuse and recycling activities in the European Union”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 162 (2020) 105033. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105033
Llorente-González, L. J., Vence, X. (2019): “Decoupling or ‘Decaffing’? The Underlying Conceptualization of Circular Economy in the European Union Monitoring Framework”, Sustainability 11(18):4898. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11184898
Llorente González, L. J. (2019). “Economía circular y comercio de desechos reciclables en la Unión Europea”, ICEDE Working Paper Series, 24. https://www.usc.gal/export9/sites/webinstitucional/gl/investigacion/grupos/icede/descargas/WP_24.pdf
Conference Papers
Llorente-González, L. J., Vence, X., (Jul 2020): “How labour-intensive are the circular economy sectors? An empirical analysis based on the European experience”. I Conference of the International Society for the Circular Economy (IS4CE), held on-line at University of Exeter, UK.
Llorente-González, L. J., Vence, X., (Jun 2019): “Intra and extra-EU trade in recyclable materials and circular economy: a critical appraisal of the European Commission’s monitoring framework”. XXI International Congress of the Word Economy Society, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
Newspaper Articles
Llorente, Leandro, “Circular valor, no basura”, Ámbito Financiero, 30/01/2020, available online at www.ámbito.com: https://www.ambito.com/opiniones/residuos/circular-valor-no-basura-n5079738