Passionate about learning and teaching, after 10 years working in the financial services industry, I returned to academic life in 2015 seeking happiness and opportunities to experience topics capable to improve our lives and the world for the next generations. In the academic year 2017/18, I was an invited researcher at the Ecodynamics Group of University of Siena (Italy) focusing on Environmental Indicators. I got my Master’s Degree in Ecology and Environment Engineering at the Faculty of Food Engineering at the University of Campinas (Brazil) in 2018. I am a Food Engineer (I graduated in 2004, still at University of Campinas, Brazil); I also graduated in People Management (2007–FGV/Brazil) and Business Administration (2010–INSPER/Brazil).
Emergy, Exergy and Life Cycle Assessment and their integration will be the methods used to evaluate performances, identify hotspots, suggest regenerative solutions and extend the value of resources over time applied to case studies in construction and demolition sectors, focusing on exchange and recovery of mineral and metallic resources in integrated industrial processes and systems of interest for the transition towards a Circular Economy in Naples’ area (Italy), also considering regional, country and continental levels. The goal is to design a mosaic of processes and industrial sectors capable of interacting, exchanging resources, consuming by-products and reducing environmental impacts, generating Circular Economy patterns through different scales.
Journal Papers
Oliveira, M., Zucaro, A., Santagata, R., Ulgiati, S., 2021a. Environmental assessment of milk production from regional to circular local scale. Ecol. Modell. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109795
Oliveira, M., Cocozza, A., Zucaro, A., Santagata, R., Ulgiati, S., 2021b. Circular economy in the agro-industry: Integrated environmental assessment of dairy products. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.111314
Oliveira, M., Miguel, M., Van Langen, S.K., Ncube, A., Zucaro, A., Fiorentino, G., Passaro, R., Santagata, R., Coleman, N., Lowe, B.H., Ulgiati, S., Genovese, A., 2021c. Circular Economy and the Transition to a Sustainable Society: Integrated Assessment Methods for a New Paradigm. Circ. Econ. Sustain. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43615-021-00019-y
Coleman, N., Fiorentino, G., Genovese, A., Lowe, B., Miguel, M., Ncube, A., Oliveira, M., Passaro, R., Santagata, R., Ulgiati, S., van Langen, S.K., Zucaro, A., 2020. D2.1 – Integrated Assessment of Sustainability Profiles in Circular Production Systems. A Framework towards a comprehensive understanding, ReTraCE Project.
Ncube, A., Miguel, M., Oliveira, M., van Langen, S.K., Ulgiati, S., Genovese, A., 2021. D2.2 – Realising the Transition towards the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications, ReTraCE Project.
van Langen, S.K., Oliveira, M., Ncube, A., Ulgiati, S., 2021. D2.3 – ReTraCE Project Realising the Transition towards the Circular Economy, ReTraCE Project.
Other Output
Ghisellini, P., Oliveira, M., Santagata, R., Ulgiati, S., 2019. Dossier informativo sul valore ambientale ed economico di progetti di investimento in foreste urbane e infrastrutture verdi (in Italian). https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.31553.92008