Sanja is an ESR fellow at SEERC and a PhD candidate at the University of Sheffield. She got a First Class degree at the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield (City College, Thessaloniki, Greece) and during her BA in Business and Administration she has been awarded as a Highly Commended Entrant in Economics Category (2017) and Business Category (2016) from the prestigious Undergraduate Awards. She has been involved in a transnational research project, which had the goal to enhance the research collaboration and co-operation between EU and India. After this engagement, she has been working at the European Central Bank as a trainee in Directorate General Finance, and as an analyst in Directorate Internal Audit.
During her PhD Sanja will focus on the development of regional policies that could foster and support the transition to the Circular Economy. The main objectives in this regard will be:
– to identify core actors and institutions that could support the transition to a CE;
– to provide insight to the development of socially inclusive and responsible mechanisms of local governance for the transition;
– to identify metrics and indicators of CE-based regional development and to understand how different stakeholders influence them;
– to identify drivers and barriers for the implementation of regional policies for the transition.
Journal Papers
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., & Ketikidis, P. H. (2022). Implementing circular economy in a regional context: A systematic literature review and a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 368, 133117. https://doi.org/https://doi.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. H., Alberich, J. P., Solomon, A. (2021) Implementing Regional Circular Economy Policies: A Proposed Living Constellation of Stakeholders. Sustainability, 13, 4916. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094916
Arsova, S., Corpakis, D., Genovese, A., Ketikidis,P.H. (2021) The EU green deal: Spreading or concentrating prosperity? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 171, 105637. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105637.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Georgantzis‐Garcia, D., Ketikidis, P.H., Solomon, A. (2021) Identification of drivers and barriers for the implementation of regional Circular Economy policies. ReTraCE Project Deliverable D4.4. (Under Review with the PO from the EC).
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Georgantzis‐Garcia, D., Ketikidis, P.H., Kipnis, E., Lowe, B., Solomon, A., Yoon, M. (2020) Measuring the transition towards a Circular Economy at a regional level: a review. ReTraCE Project Deliverable D4.3. Available at: http://www.retrace-itn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ReTraCE-D4.3.pdf
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Georgantzis‐Garcia, D., Ketikidis, P.H., Lowe, B.; Solomon, A., Yoon, M. (2020) Mapping Stakeholder Interactions for Designing CE Policies in Regional Contexts. ReTraCe Project Deliverable D4.2. Available online: http://www.retrace‐itn.eu/wp‐content/uploads/2020/07/ReTraCE‐D4.2.pdf
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Georgantzis‐Garcia, D., Kennedy, S., Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P.H., Yoon, M. (2020) Circular Economy Implementation at a Regional Level: A Preliminary Review. ReTraCe Project Deliverable D4.1. Available online: http://www.retrace‐itn.eu/wp‐content/uploads/2020/04/ReTraCE‐D4.1.pdf
Conference Papers
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. (2021) En route to regional circular economy: identifying driving forces and challenges. 2021 Regions in Recovery Special Sessions, SS2: Circular Economy Transitions in Cities and Regions: Exploring Spatial, Social and Governance Tensions (online).
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. (2020) Mapping stakeholders interactions for designing and implementing Circular Economy policies in regional context. 1st International Conference: Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation, Poland (online) – Award for the 2nd Best Presentation in Sessions Sustainable Development for Regions.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. H (2020) Circular Economy in the regional context: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. 14th Annual Postgraduate Research
Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. H., Solomon, A. (2019) Circular Economy in the regional context: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. 8th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production, Sanya (China)
Arsova, S. (2019) Regional development and local governance for the transition towards the CE. SUMS 3rd Annual Doctoral Conference, Sheffield (UK)
Arsova, S. Georgantzis, G. D. (2020) CE: Policies and consumer behavior. PROCEEDS 1st Training Network School, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Arsova, S. (2021) Europe’s agenda for sustainable growth: spreading or concentrating prosperity? Circular Conversations Platform. Available at: https://www.circularconversations.com/research-series-young-researchers/europes-agenda-for-sustainable-growth-spreading-or-concentrating-prosperity
Arsova, S., Mahmoungonbadi, A. (2020) The virtual ReTraCE Roundtable for Industry and Policy Makers. Blogpost (http://www.retrace-itn.eu/2020/06/11/the-virtual-retrace-roundtable-for-industry-and-policy-makers/)
Arsova, S. (2020) Windmills, cups and straws (1/2). Blogpost (http://www.retrace-itn.eu/2020/03/30/windmills-cups-and-straws-1-2/)
Arsova, S. (2019) The CE vs Growth dilemma. Blogpost (http://www.retrace-itn.eu/2019/07/27/is-circular-economy-compatible-with-growth/)