Tommaso holds an MSc in Engineering and Management from Politecnico di Torino and a MAS in Industrial Engineering and Operations from SUPSI in Lugano (Switzerland). He has worked as an Industrial Engineer around logistics in the automotive industry, dealing with lean manufacturing and digitalisation programs. His passions for Circular Economy, technological and social innovation brought him to work also for Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur, around fostering entrepreneurship on SDGs. In 2019 he started a PhD at the Sheffield University Management School where he could conjugate his different experiences in a research project.
Tommaso’s research investigates why and how companies adopt Circular Economy-inspired practices in their supply chains. He is focusing on institutional factors that drive companies’ practices and strategies (such as legislation, norms and peer pressures) as well as on the supply chain mechanisms that might make the adoption easier.
Another area of research has to do with Circular Economy indicators for supply chains. Together with the Working Package 1 team he will define an indicators system for measuring the circularity degree of a supply chain, based on its capacity of reducing waste streams, taking into account environmental, economic and social perspectives.
Journal Papers
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., & Brint, A. (2021). The adoption of circular economy practices in supply chains–An assessment of European Multi-National Enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127616.
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., & Brint, A. (2021). Circular Economy Indicators for Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100160
Conference Papers
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2021). Measuring the effect of institutional pressure and of supply chain integration on the adoption of Circular Economy practices. CERCIS Annual Workshop, Ferrara (Italy)
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2021). Measuring the effect of institutional pressure and of supply chain integration on the adoption of Circular Economy practices. 20th Roundtable of Sustainable Consumption and Production, Graz (Austria)
Mahmoum Gonbadi, A., Calzolari, T., A Genovese (2021). Circular economy practices adoption in the white goods industry in Europe: review of the state-of-the-practice. Proceedings of the International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2021)
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2020). The Implementation of Circular Economy practices in European Multi-National Enterprises: A Preliminary Review. Twenty-first International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck (Austria)
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). Circular Economy Indicators for Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review. 8th International Workshop – Advances in Cleaner Production, Sanya (China).
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). Circular Economy Indicators for Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review. OR61 Conference, Canterbury (UK).
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). The Implementation of Circular Economy practices in European Multi-National Enterprises: A Preliminary Review. AiIG 2019 Conference, Turin (Italy)
Calzolari, T., Genovese, A., Brint A. (2019). The Implementation of Circular Economy practices in European Multi-National Enterprises: A Preliminary Review. Workshop “Innovation and sustainable growth: is the circular economy a disruptive model?”, Milan (Italy)