André Gorz’s Labour-based Political Ecology and Its Legacy for the Twenty First Century – Emanuele Leonardi, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Abstract: This paper critically reviews André Gorz’s thought, in particular his labour-based political ecology. Based on Gorz’s theoretical toolkit, it discusses the historical transformation of the link between capitalist development, natural environment and working-class struggles. In particular, the chapter focuses on Gorz’s analysis of the ecological crisis as a crisis of capitalist reproduction, whose implications are relevant for a critical understanding of contemporary capitalism.
Bio: Emanuele Leonardi is lecturer in Sociology at the University of Parma (Italy) and affiliated researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). His research interests include: climate justice movements and their critique of carbon trading; logics of exploitation in contemporary capitalism; working-class environmentalism.
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