Mapping the possible CE futures through scenario exploration, A ReTraCe Deliverable
There is a need to understand how the circular economy creates a new vision and new expectations to shape the future (Rodríguez, Pomponi, Webster, & D’Amico, 2020). Research studies such as the one of Welch et al. (2016), the study of Lazarevic & Valve (2017), and the study of van den Bergh (2020) explored how the circular economy creates a set of shared expectations and a shared vision of the future economy. The research from Bauwens et al. (2020) advanced this conversation by proposing a more plural approach to what kind of futures can the circular economy generate with the intention to explore the potential and plurality of the circular economy by exploring different governance approaches and technology developments. The study of Lowe & Genovese (2022) also contributes to this conversation by highlighting the importance of other critical factors, such as the role played by relations of production in shaping alternative futures.
In this session, the ReTraCE ESRs will introduce the research performed in exploring the potential futures that the circular economy can generate. the presentation will be followed by a session where experts and members of the ReTraCE consortium will provide feedback and suggestions on how they imagine the future circular economy will look like.
In their research, the project ESRs included the dimensions proposed by Lowe & Genovese (2022) and Bauwens et al. (2020) to generate a more exhaustive mapping of the potential futures of the circular economy. This has resulted in 11 different scenarios that will be explained in the session next Friday.
Recording available on the ReTraCE ITN YouTube channel and slides HERE.
Bauwens, T., Hekkert, M., & Kirchherr, J. (2020). Circular futures: What Will They Look Like? Ecological Economics, 175, 106703.
Lazarevic, D., & Valve, H. (2017). Narrating expectations for the circular economy: Towards a common and contested European transition. Energy Research & Social Science, 31(February), 60–69. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.05.006
Lowe, B. H., & Genovese, A. (2022). What theories of value (could) underpin our circular futures? Ecological Economics, 195, 107382.
Rodríguez, R. W., Pomponi, F., Webster, K., & D’Amico, B. (2020). The future of the circular economy and the circular economy of the future. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.
van den Bergh, J. C. J. M. (2020). Six policy perspectives on the future of a semi-circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 160, 104898.
Welch, D., Keller, M., & Mandich, G. (2016). Imagined futures of the Circular Economy. Everyday Futures, 23.
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