Publishing Circular Economy research in management journals with Prof Chee Yew Wong
Chee Wong is a professor of supply chain management at Leeds University Business School. Prior to this, he held a chair in logistics and supply chain management at Hull University Business School. He teaches logistics, supply chain and operations management at undergraduate, MSc, MBA, PhD and executive levels.
His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain integration, digital supply chain, supply chain analytics, green supply chain. He has published more than 70 academic and practitioner articles, and he is currently acting as the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Physical and Distribution Management (IJPDLM). He is a senior associate editor for International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM), and an editorial board member of European Management Journal (EMJ).
In this talk, Prof Chee will discuss about the opportunities for publishing Circular Economy research in management journals, looking at current and future trends and providing useful advice to Early Career researchers. Also, a brief presentation of IJPDLM, its aim and scope and its current editorial policies will be provided.
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