The first ReTraCE Network School will be held in Sheffield (UK), from the 3rd to the 7th of June.
Keynote lectures will be live streamed – links available below
This Network School will be the first project event in which all the newly appointed ESRs will participate. Indeed, most of the ESRs have taken up their posts in May. As such, it will be a great occasion for the whole consortium to meet up! The scientific programme of the School is very rich. ESRs will get access to fundamental training which will be directly impacting the early development of their research projects. Also, the whole consortium will have the opportunity to debate current and timely issues in Circular Economy research, from a pluralistic perspective. Speakers include academics and practitioners from industry, public authorities and the third sector.
“We are really looking forward to hosting the whole community of the ReTraCE project, and a lot of external guests, here in Sheffield”, said Prof. Andrea Genovese, Principal Investigator of the ReTraCE project. “We have tried our best to design an exciting training week, and, also, to plan a lot of social events, which we hope will give the opportunity to socialise to our ESRs. We hope that, after this training week, which will give them the opportunity to meet, they will take full ownership of the project, and make the most of this life-time opportunity which has been given to all of them. They will not only gain new knowledge and skills, but also establish a network of relationships which will fully equip a cohort of thought leaders capable of driving our transition towards a Circular Economy. The collective intelligence, enthusiasm and strength of our ESRs will be the true driving force of the project.”
While the event is primarily designed for our ESRs, there are still a few places available for Early Career Researchers and Students from other institutions which are not part of the ReTraCE consortium. Shall you wish to attend, you might reserve one of the few available places by sending an email to the Network Manager, Patrizia Baldi ([email protected])
A full agenda of the event is available here.
Keynote lecture live streaming details:
Monday 3rd June :
10:30 – How to Perform a Good Literature Review – Prof Stefan Seuring, University of Kassel, Germany
Tuesday 4th June:
10:00 – Empirical Research with a focus on Case Studies – Prof Stefan Seuring, University of Kassel, Germany
11:45 – Neoliberal capitalism and sustainability – Prof Murat Arsel, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
14:00 – Transition to a Circular Economy: A Mediterranean way to Circular Economy? Experiences from Italy and Spain
- Prof Sergio Rubio, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain – Transition to a Circular Economy: The Spanish case
- Ms Dimitra Mintsidis, Federesco, Italy – Application of Circular Economy to Business Models
- Prof. Miguel Rodriguez, Universidad de Vigo, Spain – A discussion on political and economic indicators for circular economy assessment
Wednesday 5th June:
10:00 – An Introduction to Modelling Approaches for Ecological Economics – Dr Marco Veronese Passarella, Leeds University, UK
14:00 – Circular Economy through Eco-Industrial Development – Prof. Anthony Shun Fung CHIU, De La Salle University, Philippines